Turkey Magnetite-apatite Deposits Using the Example of the Pinarbaşi (Bulam) Deposit in Adiyaman, Southeastern Turkey

Çelebi, Hüseyin (2019) Turkey Magnetite-apatite Deposits Using the Example of the Pinarbaşi (Bulam) Deposit in Adiyaman, Southeastern Turkey. In: Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 7. B P International, pp. 1-31. ISBN 978-93-89562-31-6

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The magnetite-apatite ore deposits of Turkey occure along the Southeast Anatolian Trust Belt of
Turkey. There are three structural zones, Pütürge Massif and Malatya Metaphorites in the west, Bitlis
Massif in the east, which have gained their present position by transportations during thrusts
developed in the Miocene tectonics of Southeastern Anatolia. These in greenschist facies of a
regional metamorphism metamorphised and formed deposits are Avnik and Ünaldı in Bitlis Massif
and Pınarbaşı Malatya Metaphorites. The most common property of the ores deposits is that the ores
depend on greenschists and found as lenses of massive, banded and dissiminited of martitized
magnetite and fluorapatite.
In the area of the Pınarbaşi deposit listed here as an example crop out the Precambrian (Pütürge
Metamorphites), the Eocene (Maden Complex), the Permo-Carboniferous (Malatya Metamorphites),
the Tertiary, the Quaternary conglomerates and the alluvial formations. The Malatya Metamorphites
are in an area thrust over the Maden Complex. From bottom to top, the area includes chlorite schists,
calc schists and recrystallized limestone. Abundant rock-forming minerals in the area include chlorite,
mica, quartz and calcite. The existing mineral facies indicate that ore deposits in the area
metamorphosed as at least one regional barrow type in the green schist facies under 400°C
temperature and 0.4 MPa pressure, and they depend on contact and retrograde metamorphism. As a
result of this process, the area’s ore deposits are highly folded and faulted. The ores consist of
magnetite, hematite (specularite) and goethite. The important gangue minerals are fluorapatite,
quartz, chlorite and micas. Rarely observed allanite, monazite, xenotime and zirconia. Geologic and
geochemistry data indicate that educts of the recent metamorphosed rocks’ chlorite schist were pelitic
The trace and rar earth elements analysis indicat that a harmonious relation determined between Fe
and P2O5 in all ore deposits. The most enriched elenents in relation to Clarke values are P (8-17
times), Fe (5-10 times) and V (3-6 times). The rocks, ores and minerals of the deposit are relatively
poor in trace and rare earth elements. Magnetites contain approximately 900 ppm V, 300-700 ppm
Mn, 60-180 ppm Cr and 40-150 ppm Ni.The total concentration of rare earths varies between 200-
500 ppm. However, rare earth elements concentration of apatites varies between 3000-4000 ppm.
Their normalized distributions according to chondrites are characterized by good separation and a
marked Eu negative anomaly.
Levels of the 18O isotope showed that the formation temperature varied between 282-372 ºC. This
temperature corresponds to the beginning of the green schist facies temperature of the regional
metamorphism. Hydrogen isotope analysis reflects the sedimentary rock’s value and supports the
geochemistry diagnosis. The radiometric age determination indicated two different age values, 66 and
48 Ma. The older age of 66 Ma explains the metamorphosis that evolved during the ophiolite development. The younger age of 48 Ma is interpreted as a second metamorphism, retrograde
metamorphism or tectonic movement age.
Pınarbaşı deposit is defined as a Kiruna type sedimentary deposit. Total reserves amount to 66 Mt
with 35.07wt % Fe and 1.57wt % P2O5 content. The operation of the ore is currently in planning.

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Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2023 04:22
Last Modified: 17 Nov 2023 04:22
URI: http://library.go4manusub.com/id/eprint/1695

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