Entwined Fables and Parables in Deshpande’s Fiction

Bala, Parveen and Vijaylakshmi, . (2022) Entwined Fables and Parables in Deshpande’s Fiction. In: Research Developments in Science and Technology Vol. 2. B P International, pp. 125-129. ISBN 978-93-5547-620-3

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The article shows how myths and folklore have grown to be an crucial a part of Shashi Deshpande’s fictions. Two novels had been selected- That Long Silence and the Dark Holds No Terrors. Deshpande’s That Long Silence provides a critique of Indian marriages which hinders the free communication and expression of women. It exposes how the prevalent patriarchal practices help in feminine marginalization, and how women’s mind has been tones through centuries of biased conditioning. It research how those allusions remove darkness from now no longer most effective the characters however additionally the situations. It additionally seems into how those myths and folklore grow to be characters in themselves in some unspecified time in the future in those fictions. The author believes that myths are powerful cultural and social influences. In the unconventional That Long Silence; forms of myths had been used. Some of them are the worship of Tulsi plant for the sturdiness of husband’s life, myths of Sita, Draupadi, Gandhari, Maitreyee, Savithri and so on. All those allusions gift the protagonist. The folktale of sparrow and the crow constructing a wax residence is an crucial allusion. In the Dark Holds No Terror, legendary individual of Dhruva, son of Suniti and Uttama, son of Suruchi are used to critique the eulogized idea of motherhood and wifehood. The novelist has had success with myths, regardless of faith or bounds. All of this undermines the Indian social milieu's uniformity of idealised ideals. She not only strengthens the characters, but she also maintains the narrative and adds intensity and complexity to her work.

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Subjects: Eprint Open STM Press > Multidisciplinary
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Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2023 05:33
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2023 05:33
URI: http://library.go4manusub.com/id/eprint/1293

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